What to Do When Your Car Runs Out of Gas

no gas

Have you ever experienced that moment when you suddenly run out of gas in the middle of a deserted road or highway? If you have, move the car to the right lane immediately, turn off the music, and hope for the best. This is just one of the many car problems that you’ll experience.

People forget to bring car emergency kits, most especially if they are so eager to hit the road to avoid the terrible traffic in Metro Manila. Much more, if they are travelling to or through a place that they are not so familiar with.

Don’t panic and prepare for the worst

Always be familiar with the car you are driving. Others have this habit of mentally calculating the kilometers per liter on the highway against how much gas is left in the tank. Fuel consumption vary by make and model. Once the gasoline warning indicator lits up, you just have to be prepared for worst.

You will know that you are almost out of gas once the engine starts to purr differently. This is the best time to inform the other drivers within your close proximity that you are having car problems. Turn on the hazard lights, and signal that you are having car trouble. Be prepared to stop anytime, and move your car to the side of the road where it is safe.

Windows, lights and the engine will continue to work until the battery is drained.

 Call for help

Make sure that you still have power left in your phone and pray that you have a good mobile phone signal. First things first. Know where the nearest gasoline station is. If you are far from one, call 911. Yes, the Philippines has a 911 emergency line. This was launched last August and is intended to help people with emergencies.

If you are quite distant from the telco’s tower, there still might be a chance for you to call using the emergency features of your phone.


Walking or hitchhiking should be your last option

Sometimes, it’s dangerous to ask a stranger’s help. However, most of the time, there is no other option.

If the weather is bad, turn on your hazard lights, and stay in your car until help comes along. Walking to a nearby gas station might not be a good idea, most especially if you are a stranger in that town.

If someone comes along, wait for someone who could run for gas for you or give you a ride to the nearest phone or gas station. Exercise extreme caution when being offered a ride. Although looks could be deceiving, its still better to be safe than sorry.

Never restart your engine on an empty tank

Your fuel pump might suck up the dirt from your empty fuel tank, creating more problems for you. Don’t crank up your car on an empty fuel tank.

The next time you’ll have car problems like this, better be prepared.

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Rod 'RodTrip' Gabriel is a former IT Educator, a Digital Entrepreneur, and now a Client Success Manager who focuses on helping businesses create online presence and generate return of investments through social media, content creation, search engine optimization, and a high level of customer careDuring his spare time, he writes blogs on food, travel and his life experiences.


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