Have You Been to Sigsaga Ultimate Buffet in BF Resort?

Sigsaga Ultimate Buffet
Sigsaga Ultimate Buffet

Me and my family stumbled upon a new Yakiniku Buffet Place in BF Resort, Las Piñas city. I didn’t actually know that the popular Sigsaga Ultimate Buffet was located in BF Resort, till I saw the place while passing by BF Resort Avenue, BF Resort Village, Las Piñas city.

I only saw some of my former colleagues in the academe dining there through multiple selfie posts of themselves seemingly enjoying the Yakiniku feast.

I told myself, one of these days, I’m going there to try it out for myself before I bring my family there, together with me.

Talk about the law of attraction, I saw an opportunity in a blogger friend’s post and signed-up to go with them to try out Sigsaga Ultimate Buffet promo.

Sigsaga's Yakiniku
Sigsaga’s Yakiniku

Trust me friends, you won’t regret it. Sigsaga Ultimate Buffet promo comes with unlimited choices of beef and pork Yakiniku, plus unlimited self-servings of several Korean dishes to go with it.

Sigsaga Yakiniku Buffet
Sigsaga’s Yakiniku

You might be surprised that the Yakinikus are not served in trays. You have to ask the waiters to assist you in getting some. This system prevents wastage from customers who are ‘takaw-mata’ (customers who get a lot, but don’t consume everything that they get from the trays).

If Sigsaga will ask me, I’ll say “Don’t worry Sigsaga, I never waste anything with food around.”, knowing that there’s a penalty for leftover food.

Leftovers will be charged 50% from the buffet price per head.

Furthermore, their Shabu Shabu is also a great deal for hotpot lovers out there. Price is pegged at 299 per set, good for two people plus bottomless drinks.

Sigsaga's Shabu Shabu
Sigsaga’s Shabu Shabu

 The other Korean dishes that go along with Sigsaga Ultimate Buffet are as follows:

Sweet Baby Potato
Sweet Baby Potato
Jap Chae
Jap Chae
Pa Geon
Pa Geon

Are you getting hungry already?

I’m not finished just yet.

Sigsaga Ultimate Buffet also offers its Ultimate Tempura 6 pcs. Ala Carte Platter with Bottomless drinks at P 129.00

Sigsaga Ultimate Shrimp Tempura Deal
Sigsaga Ultimate Shrimp Tempura Deal

Well, that’s about it for now.

Keep coming back to this page and hopefully in a few days time. We will be releasing a ‘freebie’ promo for the lucky 100 registered customers.

Sounds good? Definitely, good. You have to dine in to Sigsaga Buffet or you’re missing out on great food and the fun the goes along with it.

For more of The RODTrip food trip reviews, follow my Facebook page.



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Rod 'RodTrip' Gabriel is a former IT Educator, a Digital Entrepreneur, and now a Client Success Manager who focuses on helping businesses create online presence and generate return of investments through social media, content creation, search engine optimization, and a high level of customer careDuring his spare time, he writes blogs on food, travel and his life experiences.


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